Thursday, March 15, 2012

Icky Icky Cough Cough

This has not been a good week. I slept almost all day everyday. Until today, I felt better today. I have the yucky sinus infection accompanied by a chest cold that makes my throat feel like it needs chapstick.

The first day was cool. I slept until two, and then couldn't fall asleep that night but I only slept till 11 the next day. I read all day that day. I've finished two books this week and may finish another one by Sunday if my kids are nice to me. Yesterday, I again read and napped off and on all day, but Larch started to complain and resent that fact that I have done nothing this week. All the while, he acknowledge the fact that I had no voice until 2 or 3 in the afternoon with the help of on can chicken noodle soup and 5 or 6 cups of hot Tang. (Yes, I drink it hot when I'm sick. It's not bad, kinda yummy.) By the end of the day I had the tell tale migraine that said I hadn't had any caffeine in 3 days. Today, was better. I was up doing stuff, though still trying to cough my lung onto the floor. I did laundry, thought about writing a grocery list, took the kids to McDonald's, claimed my free prizes from a local car dealership (cheap binoculars I have given to my kids and a freshwater pearl necklace I horded for myself. I love pearls).

Now, as I get ready to bathe the kids and convince them to go to bed even though Daddy's not home from Uncle B's house yet, I feel another migraine coming. This one tells me that  Aunt Flo is coming to visit and I am about to spend three more days sleeping until noon, much to Larch's chagrin. Also, Lily isn't sleeping and she keep rubbing her eyes, I think her sinus' hurt. Johnny has a wildly running nose, but no cough yet. I think I have just given the icky icky cough coughs to my children. And possibly Larch, but he won't admit to being sick, unless he's dying. Here's to another hell week *raises wine glass full of Diet Dr. Pepper*

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