Sunday, December 18, 2011

New Recipe Night

I'm not really a great cook. I LOVE baking, and I like to think I'm pretty good at it. Baking is a science; cooking is an art, and I'm not much of an artist. However, I have this set of two large boxes I received from my neighbor. Two boxes full of recipes.
I got this idea in my head about 4 months ago to be like Julie in "Julie and Julia." I'm not motivated enough to try the whole thing in a year, but if I try one recipe a week, I should finish by the time my youngest graduates from high school.
So far things have gone great. I've tried a few recipes we love, a few that are just okay, and only one we threw out without eating.

There are a few exceptions to my goal. I will not cook liver, kidney, veal, or beef tongue (EW!).
Yesterday, I cooked beef chili stew for the first time. Larch, my husband, said I could put it in the once a month file. I wasn't that thrilled.
It was super easy and really inexpensive. The most expensive ingredient was the stew meat and I only spent $3.85 on that. Other ingredients included salt, pepper, cumin, chili powder, garlic, onion, beans, green chilies, tomatoes, and cheese; things I always have in my kitchen anyways.
I served the stew over rice, with cornbread muffins, at about eight. That's a normal dinner time for us. Next time I'll start earlier since it took 2 hours to cook.
Saturday night dinner was a success. Anyone want to come do dishes?

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