We drove for an hour, maybe more, I was distracted by the view.
On any good hike, we start with food.
This is not a no trespassing gate. This is a keep the motorized vehicles out gate. My son pointed out that someone just drove their four wheeler around the gate.
Lily never wants to hold Daddy's hand.
This was about a half mile in.
According to Larch, these are hallucinogenic. I will take his word for it as they also contain arsenic.
This is blurry, but it is a really old wheelbarrow. This is how we knew we were getting close to our final destination.
Old Mine shack/shaft. Well played husband.
So what does any good North Idaho family do?
We get closer...
and closer...
and look inside.
And we go around and find another building. We think it was an office, living space, or MAYBE a secondary entrance.
See...Daddy has to carry Lily at least some of the time.
You can't tell from this picture, but we think this is the remains of a cooking stove.
It's hunting season, so we make our dog wear an orange vest.
Still carrying Lily.
That blue out there between the close mountains and the far mountains, is Lake Pend Oreille.
While I was busy taking picture of the distant lake, the kids were doing this...

We ended the day at Superman and Lois Lane's. Superman and Larch brewed some beer that should be ready around Halloween, while we watched movies and the kids played in the dirt. And Johnny lost another tooth.
He could be a Jack O'Lantern for Halloween this year. Or a cage fighter.